Through knowledge-building, WNRI seeks to contribute positively to innovation, policy-making, governance, and value creation in technology and big data, environment and climate sciences, travel and tourism, placing its research focus within the Sustainable Development Goals. The institute aims to be at the forefront of national and international research, and take part in the development of Western Norway.
Head of SmartFood research team at WNRI
Korsbrekke has a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Bergen. Her research focuses on sustainable development, social movements and climate change transformation. She works as a researcher at the Western Norway Research Institute where she is involved with the Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation. In the Smartfgood project Mari head the work at Western Norway Research Institute and works on the social impact section and co-designed aspects of the work.
Researcher (social impact)
Ida is a group leader of the research group Technology and Society and holds a master degree in human nutrition from the University of Bergen. Relevant to this project she has experience in different types of food surveys and will contribute to the work on the social impact section and the co-designed aspects together with Mari.