Our partnership

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

SmartFood brings together 6 universities and research centres: 
3 from Poland and 3 from Norway

Our team has interdisciplinary and complementary expertise, which will ensure successful implementation of the project:

  • Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia – Project Promoter: urban food production, nutrition, energy systems, project management

  • Cracow University of Technology – supply of water to the novel food production system, rainwater management, resource efficiency improvements, co-production of prototypes

  • The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland – pedagogy, adaptation of the system to needs of aging population and disabled, statistics, impact assessment, user engagement

  • Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU): electronics and communication technology for different applications on sensor developments, data processing, App and Game development, AI and IoT platforms

  • BI Norwegian Business School: smart city technology impact on citizen wellbeing, field experiments, causal inference, lab experiments, survey, applied psychology, co-creation, designing rewarding incentives

  • Western Norway Research Institute: co-production of climate change adaptation strategy to ensure environmental impact of the project, social integration strategy design